Using the New Gem Bundler Today

As you might have heard, Carl and I released a new project that allows you to bundle your gems (both pure-ruby and native) with your application. Before I get into the process for using the bundler today, I'd like to go into the design goals of the project.

Using the Bundler Today

To use the gem bundler today in a non-Rails application, follow the following steps:
  1. gem install bundler
  2. Create a Gemfile in the root of your application
  3. Add dependencies to your Gemfile. See below for more details on the sorts of things you can do in the Gemfile. At the simplest level, gem "gem_name", "version" will add a dependency of the gem and version to your application
  4. At the root, run gem bundle. The bundler should tell you that it is resolving dependencies, then downloading and installing the gems.
  5. Add vendor/gems/gems, vendor/gems/specifications, vendor/gems/doc, and vendor/gems/environment.rb to your .gitignore file
  6. Inside your application, require vendor/gems/environment.rb to add the bundled dependencies to your load paths.
  7. Use Bundler.require_env :optional_environment to actually require the files.
  8. After committing, run gem bundle in a fresh clone to re-expand the gems. Since you left the vendor/gems/cache in your source control, new machines will be guaranteed to use the same files as the original machine, requiring no remote dependencies
The bundler will also install binaries into the app's bin directory. You can, therefore, run bin/rackup for instance, which will ensure that the local bundle, rather than the system, is used. You can also run gem exec rackup, which runs any command using the local bundle. This allows things like gem exec ruby -e "puts Nokogiri::VERSION" or the even more adventurous gem exec bash, which will open a new shell in the context of the bundle.


You can do any of the following in the Gemfile:

Bundler process

When you run gem bundle, a few things happen. First, the bundler attempts to resolve your list of dependencies against the gems you have already bundled. If they don't resolve, the metadata for each specified source is fetched and the gems are downloaded. Next (either way), the bundler checks to see whether the downloaded gems are expanded. For any gem that is not yet expanded, the bundler expands it. Finally, the bundler creates the environment.rb file with the new settings. This means that running gem bundler over and over again will be extremely fast, because after the first time, all gems are downloaded and expanded. If you change settings, like disable_rubygems, running gem bundle again will simply regenerate the environment.rb.

Rails 2.3

To get this working with Rails 2.3, you need to create a preinitializer.rb and insert the following: ```ruby require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../vendor/bundler_gems/environment"

class Rails::Boot
def run

def extend_environment
Rails::Initializer.class_eval do
old_load = instance_method(:load_environment)
define_method(:load_environment) do
Bundler.require_env RAILS_ENV

It's a bit ugly, but you can copy and paste that code and forget it. Astute readers will notice that we're using <code>vendor/bundler_gems/environment.rb</code>. This is because Rails 2.3 attaches special, irrevocable meaning to <code>vendor/gems</code>. As a result, make sure to do the following in your <code>Gemfile</code>: <code>bundle_path "vendor/bundler_gems"</code>.

Gemcutter uses this setup and it's working great for them.
<h3>Bundler 0.7</h3>
We're going to be releasing Bundler 0.7 tomorrow. It has some new features:
	<li>List outdated gems by passing <code>--outdated-gems</code>. Bundler conservatively does not update your gems simply because a new version came out that satisfies the requirement. This is so that you can be sure that the versions running on your local machine will make it safely to production. This will allow you to check for outdated gems so you can decide whether to update your gems with --update. Hat tip to <code>manfred</code>, who submitted this patch as part of his submission to the <a href="">Rumble at Ruby en Rails</a></li>
	<li>Specify the build requirements for gems in a YAML file that you specify with <code>--build-options</code>. The file looks something like this:
  config: /path/to/mysql_config

This is equivalent to --with-mysql-config=/path/to/mysql_config

  • Specify :bundle => false to indicate that you want to use system gems for a particular dependency. This will ensure that it gets resolved correctly during dependency resolution but does not need to be included in the bundle

  • Support for multiple bundles containing multiple platforms. This is especially useful for people moving back and forth between Ruby 1.8 and 1.9 and don't want to constantly have to nuke and rebundle

  • Deprecate :vendored_at and replace with :path

  • A new directory DSL method in the Gemfile:

    directory "vendor/rails" do
      gem "activesupport", :path =&gt; "activesupport" # :path is optional if it's identical to the gem name
                                                    # the version is optional if it can be determined from
                                                    # a gemspec
  • You can do the same with the git DSL method ```ruby git "git://" do # :branch, :tag, or :ref work here gem "activesupport", :path => "activesupport" # same rules as directory, except that the files are # first downloaded from git. end ```
  • Fix some bugs in resolving prerelease dependencies