Gem Versioning and Bundler: Doing it Right
Recently, an upgrade to Rake (from version 0.8.7 to version 0.9.0) has re-raised the issue of dependencies and versioning in the Ruby commun
Recently, an upgrade to Rake (from version 0.8.7 to version 0.9.0) has re-raised the issue of dependencies and versioning in the Ruby commun
You probably know that Rubinius is a Ruby whose implementation is mostly written in Ruby. While that sounds nice in theory, you may not know
TL;DR Although apps and gems look like they share the concept of "dependency", there are some important differences between them.
First Shugo announced them at RubyKaigi. Then Matz showed some improved syntax at RubyConf. But what are refinements [http://redmine.ruby-la
In the past year or so, the term "HTML5" has increasingly been picked up by the tech press as the successor to "DHTML",
One thing we hear a lot by people who start to use bundler is that the workflow is more complicated than it used to be when they first start