jQuery in Action (w00t)

Some of you might know that I'm writing a jQuery book for Manning called jQuery in Action. It's pretty awesome, and includes a bunch of labs and exercises that are unique to it. My coauthor is Bear Bibeault (pronounced Bee-Bo), who coauthored Ajax in Practice (and hilariously enough, Prototype and Scriptaculous in Action).

It's intended for people who already know some JavaScript, but still have questions about jQuery. It's thorough, while going beyond the typical API runthrough (there are excellent examples; in later chapters, especially Ajax, the examples run through the entire chapter and show you how to complete a fairly detailed, yet typical project using jQuery).

Anyhow, check it out. If you buy now, you get the early-access chapters, which is the equivalent of the PragProgs' beta book stuff. We've already released betas of chapters 1-8 (of 9), so there's a lot there.